О методиках в спорте

вторник, 15 октября 2013 г.

среда, 9 октября 2013 г.

Baltic Symposium "Sports. Biology. Medicine. Updating the methodology. "

The cycle of training of COACHES, physiotherapists, sports physicians.
Upon completion of the certificate on 32 hours -1.33 EAP (is accepted in the EU) .

Date : 10-12 December 2013.
Location: Estonia , Narva- Jõesuu Spa Hotel «Meresuu» - www.meresuu.ee
1 . Biologically based system of sports training . Sports Adaptology. Modern methods of improving the performance of muscles
. Lecturer - Professor Viktor Seluyanov , Moscow .
2 . Applied kinesiology to improve the physical and functional reserve athlete. Curator - MD., Professor Lyudmila Vasilyeva, Moscow.
3 . Sudden cardiac death and myocardial hypertrophy athletes.
Lecturer - MD., Professor Elena Gavrilova , St. Petersburg
4 . Periodization in the management of sports training. Traditional and block composition . 
5 . Psychosomatics in sports. Managing the emotional state of the athlete. Psychological skills coach. Emotional states and athletic performance . Coach in sensory perception and emotional reflection of an athlete.
6 . The modern concept of the theory and methodology of sports training.
 7. Monitoring the state of fitness and recovery processes . Methods of evaluation and correction of psycho-physiological condition of the athlete .                                                                               
 Lecturers - Professor Yuri Y. Lobanov , University . Herzen , St. Petersburg. Sergei Ilyukov , University of Helsinki , Finland. Jaroslav Golub,  Head. sector of sports medicine and physiology, the St. Petersburg Scientific Research Institute of Physical Culture .

The participation fee if paid before 10/11/2013 - 295 euros and stay in a 2 -bed room and unlimited use of the spa facilities. No accommodation - 205 euros.
Single supplement - 30 euro / day.
 Payment : After registration you will be sent the bill.
 Registration : valeriy.kozlow @ gmail.com, + 372 51 98 26 17                                            Or fill out the form on the conference website - www.sportbiomed.eu